Acqua Vergine: The Answer to Rome's Water Problems

Prior to 273, when the 1st elevated aqueduct, Aqua Anio Vetus, was established in Roma, inhabitants who resided on hills had to go further down to collect their water from natural sources. When aqueducts or springs weren’t accessible, people dwelling at raised elevations turned to water removed from underground or rainwater, which

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Traveling Just the Way You like

There appears to be a special tour for every destination! Is walking better for you or would you want a bicycle to get about? Maybe you’re a wine connoisseur or a foodie. Do you enjoy the company of other people when you take a trip, or would you prefer to go it alone? Is your perfect getaway one adventure after the other? Or, are

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Keeping Your Large Outdoor Fountain Tidy

It is essential to carefully maintain water fountains for them to function optimally. A typical problem with fountains is that they tend to accumulate dirt and debris, so it is essential that you keep it free from this. Another factor is that water that is exposed to sunlight is prone to growing algae. Either sea salt, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar

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Statues As a Staple of Classic Art in Historic Greece

The Archaic Greeks manufactured the 1st freestanding statuary, an awesome achievement as most sculptures up until then had been reliefs cut into walls and pillars. Younger, attractive male or female (kore) Greeks were the subject matter of most of the statues, or kouros figures. The kouroi, considered by the Greeks to represent beauty, had one foot

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Outdoor Fountains And Public Policy

The very first American city to implement a tax on high calorie drinks was Berkley, California in February 2014. The purpose is to get men and women drinking more water and other natural drinks by raising the price tag of soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks. Efforts were made to find out the state of neighborhood drinking water fountains in both

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